Thursday, October 30, 2008

Podcast - Growing Up Online

This week we had an assignment due in our Social Media for Public Relations class where we had to design and record a podcast, editing and all. My group, which included Ceci Garcia, Christine Pegg, and Wiltson Bramson, did our podcast on growing up online and differences in internet/social media use between generation y and generation z. We based a lot of our discussion off of the PBS program Growing Up Online which we watched as a class last week.

Although our discussion was kept quite brief -- the length of the podcast was supposed to be 5-10 minutes -- we each took the opportunity to touch on several different aspects of social media such as Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube. I have included the show notes below so that you can get a better idea of what the podcast covers:

:05 – Intro

:26 – Shannon introduces the show and welcomes the guests.

:41 – The panel introduces themselves.

1:23 – The Hot Topic is introduced for discussion: growing up online.

1:33 – Shannon discusses generation definitions for better understanding of discussion. Concept of "Gen C" is introduced.

1:58 – Shannon asks panel to comment on the differences they feel exist between Gen Y and Gen Z/C in regards to internet usage

2:09 – Ceci discusses YouTube and its impact on users

3:42 – Wiltson discusses Facebook usage

5:21 – Christine discusses MySpace and its effects

6:04 – Shannon and Wiltson weigh in on Facebook and MySpace

6:46 – Shannon discusses cell phones and SMS (text) messaging and how it has affected the generations

8:16 – Wiltson weighs in on texting

8:49 – Ceci discusses Second Life in regards to the generations

10:35 – Shannon and Wiltson respond with commentary on Second Life

12:09 – Closing

12:20 – Outro

You can listen to the podcast by clicking here.

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