Sunday, September 21, 2008

7 Deadly Sins of Social Media

Thanks to my new RSS reader and Google Alerts, I recently came across a website stating the "7 deadly sins of social media":
  1. Deafness
  2. Slowness
  3. Caution
  4. Phoniness
  5. Greed
  6. Inflexibility
  7. Seriousness
I'm willing to admit that one of my worst guilty obsessions is reading the gossip blog Perez Hilton whenever I get the chance. When we first started discussing bloging etiquette in class, I found myself thinking about how my beloved Perez followed or rebelled against these rules.

Out of the seven sins mentioned above, I think its safe to say that the gossip blog abides by the rules most of the time. Post are generally humorous and playful (sin 7), Perez is quick to respond and react (sins 1 and 2), he always provides additional sources for posts (sin 5), and never appears afraid to get in trouble (sin 3). For the most part, I think the blog follows the typical etiquette rules expected of bloggers, which is probably why its had such success.

However, you have to wonder if he (Perez) decided to stop following the rules of the blogosphere, what would happen to his popularity? Considering that many of his readers are probably unaware of typical "blog behavior" (think young readers who only care to hear the latest on Britney Spear's unstable lifestyle) do you think he would disappear into the blog graveyard? Or, does the blog produce such a loyal following that many of these sins would be overlooked?

Because I haven't spent much time reading blogs until recently, I find this is really the only example I can personally relate to. However, I would love to find out more about blogs and bloggers that don't necessarily follow the rules, and if they are still able to attract a fan base. Can anyone think of a good example?

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